Element of photography: Color

Color is the hue reflection that your eyes pick up in different wavelengths. On the first image, the green of the trees pops out first, taking up most of the screen with its vibrant green. The second image is a similar thing as well, but the closeup of the saturated green with the washed out grey concrete background makes it pop out even more. In the third image, the purple/small amounts of orange covering the sky stand out despite the darkness. These colors not commonly being in the sky pop out as in, "oh that is really weird, why is that happening?" The smoke from a lot of the fires in 2020 caused the sky to look like that for a time. In the 4th photo it is again a smoke photo, but it was less covered in my area specifically, and the contrast of the darker colors below with the red/orange/yellow above it with both being very heavily saturated make it pop out, its vibrant colors giving it a beautiful sight. The 5th photo is Slipknot live, the fire creating a white orange look with how bright it is, the red screens and lights giving vibrance, the white lights shining out like beacons and the percussion give the image large amounts of color vibrance.



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