
Showing posts from January, 2023

Lightbulb assignment

 I chose the extra element because I knew nobody else would so I wouldn't do an accidental copy, also I love Slipknot.

Crop vs layer mask


Photographing Water


hawaii questions

  What did Clark do before photography? Working in a botanical garden What do you like about his work? the sheer detail, and how up close he is with the waves/water What do you not like about his work? isn't really anything that I don't like about it What brand of camera does he use and how does he take it into the water? Canon Is this a career that you would consider, why/why not? Maybe, depends on how reliable/profitable is, as well as vacation time for concerts and such.

frozen motion/action photography

(water is vibrating after table got kicked) One good things about the images are that it shows the motion fully, my hair waving around, the water moving and Mason (my dog) being super excited at the ball I am holding. One thing I could have done better was better focusing for my hair, more water visible, and have Mason be more in frame.  

Soaked POTW
